The exhibition of creative works “Tugan Zher - Altyk Besіgіm” was held in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized by the museum complex of PSU.

About ten masters of applied art and artists - teachers and students of the Department of Architecture and Design presented their best works.

Opening the event, Gaukhar Akhmetova, the rector of the S.Toraighyrov PSU, noted that painting, music, poetry are subtle components of our multifaceted life, and our task is to learn to perceive and read art - symbols that have a deep meaning.

“Students and our colleagues know the authors of works as teachers, as those who are able to arouse talent in the soul and the thirst for creativity. But, only people who improve themselves, developing both as creative personalities and as educators, can kindle hearts. It is impossible to learn to create without being the creator himself”, said curator of the exhibition, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Saule Abisheva.

The image of nature got special love from the masters of the brush, so most of the exhibition was taken up by the motifs of their native land, narrative paintings, works of symbolic and applied nature.

Art lovers could got acquainted with decorative and applied works made in wood carving technique, as well as with the use of innovative glass technologies.

Let us recall that the exhibition will last until the end of December.