The solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the professor, composer, singer and teacher Nazymbek Dukenbay was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was attended by lovers of musical art, representatives of the creative community of the region.

N. Dukenbay is the author of 50 scientific papers, collections of songs and a textbook for music lessons. In his work, the author glorifies the national culture of Kazakhstan. He makes a great contribution to the education and upbringing of young people, and his pedagogical biography is posted in the hall of fame of the community of teachers of Kazakhstan and is included in the electronic encyclopedia.

N. Dukenbai was awarded the breastplate named after Y. Altynsarin, the jubilee medal “10 years of independence of Kazakhstan”, the sign “For services for the region”. In addition, Nazymbek Sabitovich is the owner of the Grand Prix “The Best Music Teacher” among the universities of Kazakhstan, the owner of the state grant “The Best University Teacher”.

Today, according to N. Dukenbay, he is paying special attention to modern songs.

- Today I have written about 500 songs, 200 of which are dedicated to children. These are not just songs, I try to release collections of songs with lyrics, notes, as well as CDs. In addition, I try to use works of Pavlodar artists as illustrations for my books, - says Nazymbek Sabitovich.

As a gift, students of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty of Pavlodar State University sang songs of the author, told about the life of Nazymbek Dukenbay. 

On the occasion of the holiday, an exhibition dedicated to the works of the hero of the day was presented to the guests.