Students of S.Toraighyrov PSU presented the novel by of S. Toraighyrov “Kamar-sulu”, dedicated for the 125th anniversary of the famous Kazakh poet.

As the head of the student creative association “Murager” Bakizhan Kakim said, the preparation for the play took two months. In addition to the above 40 people were involved in the work.

- It was difficult, because we do not have professional scriptwriters, directors and actors, and all the work was done by the participants of the association. But, I hope, with our work, we not only managed to realize the novel, but also convey the essence of the work to the audience. - B. Kakim shared.

The novel “Kamar-sulu” written by S. Toraighyrov in 1914, tells the story of the love story of Kamar and Akhmet.

At the same time, the author’s clear position in defense of the rights of a woman is seen in it - through the prism of the tragedy of an intelligent and beautiful girl, violence and injustice unknown to the natural human desire for good.

The plans of the directors in the near future is to present their work in schools of the city and districts.