S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University on November 8, 2018 hosted a meeting witn Akim of Aktogay district of Pavlodar region Karshyga Arynov with fourth-year students - natives of Aktogay district, as well as graduates of the “Serpіn” program.

During the visit, a number of topics were considered, including questions about the future employment of students, the formation of new practice zones and joint research projects in various areas, and the students were able to ask questions.

In her welcoming speech, Gaukhar Akhmetova, rector of Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophy Sciences emphasized that PSU is open to an open dialogue and to new formats of joint activities in the development of the Pavlodar region.

“Now in many areas there is a shortage of staff, and graduates don’t want to go to the district area for several reasons. We must solve this problem in stages and provide real assistance, both to the district and to our graduates”, Gaukhar Galymovna said.

In his speech, Karshyga Arynov told in detail on the peculiarities of Aktogay district, the current shortage of specialists in such sectors as education, energy and others. He also spoke about the conditions that are created at the local level, stressing that today in their area one of the main tasks is the improvement and development of infrastructure, which greatly affects the involvement of young professionals to work in the regions.

“We understand that we face a difficult task. Besides me, there are other colleagues who want to see PSU graduates in their productions. Aktogay district can also boast its own ideas. Our region is able to show some good projects where fresh minds are needed. There are some things that need to be discussed in the framework of new innovative projects. At PSU, there are a lot of minds that can put their ideas into practice for the people and the population”, said K. Arynov.

The meeting was concluded by the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the S.Toraighyrov PSU and the Akimat of the Aktogay district.

Let us recall, that Karshyga Arynov became the first head of the region to visit the university. It is planned that such meetings will become regular.