The Republican contest of professional skills “Meni Shyndagan Serpіn” started in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event is organized by the Center of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to popularize working professions among young people, raising the status of vocational training and qualification, as well as identifying the best in the specialty among “Serpіn” students.

Students of 3rd and 4th courses of twenty-four universities and colleges of the country, who study in the framework of the social project “Mangilik El Zhastary - Industriyaga!” - “Serpin-2050”, came to show their knowledge and skills.

Competitions will be held in 10 specialties, including radio engineering and electronics, instrument-making and information systems, as well as technologies for the production of livestock products, etc.

During the competition, the students will have to tell about their specialty and present the developed project.

The results of the competition will be announced on October 31, 2018.

Let us recall that 549 students study at PSU in 20 specialties from five regions of our country.