Students of S.Toraighyrov PSU took part in the KAS ZHASTAR forum held in the format of business simulation.

The event was organized by the Youth Council of JSC “Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant”.

Business simulation is a special game model that is as close to reality as possible, with a high degree of reflection of the existing laws of interaction, the purpose of which is to provide the participant with relevant skills and competencies. The forum held in its format helped create the effect of a real immersion, where the participants could feel like a part of a large enterprise.

Each student was assigned certain duties: they chose leaders, appointed treasurers, made deals, bought and sold raw materials.

At the end of the forum, there was an informal meeting with the management of the enterprise JSC “Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant” represented by the President Andrey Batrachenko, Vice President for Production Baurzhan Smailov and Vice President for Personnel Rinat Kaldashov.

At the meeting, managers answered students’ questions, shared their life experiences with them.

Participants were awarded with memorable gifts and certificates.