Students of Pavlodar State University, enrolled within the “Serpin-2050” program took part in the annual meeting with the deputy akim of Pavlodar region Meiram Begentayev, as well as representatives of government entities.

On the dialogue platform, issues of employment and housing for the participants of “Serpin-2050” were considered.

1677 people study within the program “Serpin-2050” in Pavlodar region. This year, 413 university students are graduating, among them 267 students of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

During the meeting with representatives of the Department of Coordination of Employment and Social Programs, Economy and Budget Planning, experts of the National Bank, the students were told about the existing state programs that they can count on. Today, one of the frequently asked questions is the question of employment and housing.

The greatest interest of the audience was caused by the programs “With diploma to the village”, “7-20-25”, as well as the resettlement program.

In addition, students were told about government support for voluntary interregional resettlement. Its participants are provided with material assistance for removal, official housing, employment assistance, reimbursement of rental expenses and utility bills.

Also, the students were told about the structure of the Center for Youth Initiative Development and its work, where anyone can get advice on the principle of one window on all state programs.