Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University are prize-winners of the International festival-competition of national cultures “Palette of Friendship”.

The festival was held at Altai State Institute of Culture, within the framework of the II International Scientific and Practical Forum “Culture of the Eurasian region” and gathered representatives of creative teams of more than 20 cultural associations of India, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Poland and others.

The event was attended by performers of folk music, songs and dances, as well as masters of decorative and applied arts and arts and crafts.

In the nomination “Vocal and Choral Performance” students of the Department of Performing Arts of PSU led by Associated Professor Unzilya Negmanova won several prizes.

So, the first place was shared by two contestants Moldir Maybas, for the performance of the song “Kosni Korlan” and Ozat Gulsipat, who performed the famous work of Abai “Kozimnin Karasy” to the accompaniment of the piano.

Ayzharkyn Zhakenova caught the audience with the song “Balkadisha” and won the second place of the competition.

Vocal performance of Ernaz Zhunusov was awarded the third place.