The Republican aytys among the students "Azattyk tany - Alashtyn zhany" gathered word-men from the whole country at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The final fight of improvisers met 10 best akyns. This year competition of the best word-men is timed to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the "Alash" movement. 

Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor Arman Akishev addressed the guests and participants with a welcoming speech.

"We should remember these pages of history, it is necessary to comprehend all the facts in the context of modernity. The goals of the "Alash" movement, who dreamed to see Kazakhstan as an independent, prosperous state, we should raise the national and historical consciousness of the people. Since then, our ancestors have called for unity. And we are descendants of these great people. And we should follow the example of them", said Arman Aitmukhametovich. 

For the main awards fought well-known songwriters, among whom were representatives of Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Semey, Taraz, Kostanay, Kyzylorda and Pavlodar.

According to the results of the intellectual and creative struggle, the third place was won by Pavlodar citizen Mares Bairon.

The second place in the competition won akyn from Kyzylorda Syrym Adіlbekov. And the winner became the poet-improviser from Astana Nurganat Kairat.

Improviser from Semey Kuandyk Kenzhebek was awarded the special award of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov.

The jury headed by the chairman of the branch of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, the poet Arman Kani noted that the spectacular and exciting competition of eminent masters of the word and music gathered dozens and hundreds of spectators.