Maysa Iklassova, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the senior lecturer of "Architecture and Design" department of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University opened her anniversary exhibition in the Pavlodar regional art museum.

The secret of the special heartiness and attraction of Maysa Iklassova’s work is in the original technique that she uses. Her main assistant in this is felt with which Maysa Iklassova started to work a little more than four years ago. According to the artist, the art of felting, she took over from her grandmother, and in the creation of paintings began to use it for the first time, rightly considering it as her know-how.

The most amazing thing is that looking at the canvases of Maysa Iklassova not immediately realize that this is not a water color, there are fine patterns, and each line complements the other. Instead of the traditional paint on canvas is lied down specially colored wool.

"Starting to upload a picture from the wool, and you never know what happens after felting. Sometimes, the material itself brings changes in your plan, like wants to say something, "- says M. Iklassova.

One of the fundamental and unique features of the felt art of Maysa Iklassova considers its native traditionalism and the inextricable connection with the original art of the nomads of the Great steppe.