The day before at the regional scientific universal library named after S. Toraighyrov was held a creativ evening professor of Nazymbek Dukenbay, professor Pavlodar State University, known composer.

At the meeting, was the presentation of a musical work "Қazagym. Elim. Zherіm ", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

N. Dukenbay known in pedagogical and musical works, as an agitator of national culture, an original composer, to train and educate young people.

The evening was filled with songs written on poems by the famous Kazakh poets, devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh Khanate stories and songs for children ("Kerey men Zhanіbek", "Bөgenbay Batyr", "Kazakh Eli", etc.).

The hall was attended by lovers of music, members of the creative community of region. On the occasion of the event was arranged an exhibition devoted to creativity of the teacher "Kelemіz zhuzіp oner aidynynda."

"I am proud that today is present young talented singers and musicians. Student youth - among our viewers. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev always emphasizes that the future of country belongs to the young, and concern of the education of youth spirituality –is one of the priorities. I hope that this presentation is one more, my personal contribution to the cultural, musical life of the region", - said Nazymbek Sabitovich.