A seminar "How to write a good article: from writing and design prior to the publication" was held at the university.

The seminar was held by Kenbeilova Saltanat Zhapaspaevna, PhD, associate professor of the "Metallurgy" department, a participant of the International Forum "Integration of Science of Central Asian region in the world space," The initiator of the seminar was the Department of Science and Innovation of university. Teachers and undergraduates were involved in the seminar.

The lecturer focused on improving the possibilities of publishing papers in journals with international citation indexes and included in the Web of Science, and (or) Scopus databases. In particular, she gave a number of recommendations, among them - the requirements for the structure of the material, volume, links to the used sources, the logic of the presentation.

According to organizers, the seminar let formulate the certain practical suggestions. "The received knowledge we can apply today, although, in point of fact, it is knowledge for the future, and it is unclear what to do with it, but its value is obviously a priori. The most important thing in this event – is the exchange of experience. In this case, the important details participants have received from their colleague, "- said G.Suleymenova.