Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Takir Balykbayev came to S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University with a working visit.

During the visit, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Educational and Social Work of PSU, Doctor of Political Science Arman Akishev briefed the distinguished guest with regional startup academy, and trends that allow the university to become a fully entrepreneurial university. 

The Dean of Public Administration, Business and Law Faculty Takhir Ernazarov described to Takir Balykbayev the academy’s work.  

Startup participants presented their business models and talked about the upcoming Enactus 2016 World Cup in Toronto (Canada), where the team of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University will defend the honor of Kazakhstan.

Afterwards, Takir Balykbayev visited the new dormitory for 500 students.