Akmaral Beisembayeva, Master's degree student of the "History of Kazakhstan" department of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university, became the winner of the international competition "The best scientific essay of 2016", in Moscow (Russia).

 60 works from Russia, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries took part  in the competition, organized by the International Research Center "Olympus", contest had three stages.

Scientific research "Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century" was devoted to the history of "Alash-Orda", as well as the continuity of their ideas.

According to A. Beisembayeva, many of the "Alash" program ideas were reflected in the Constitution of the USSR in 1936 and the Constitution of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995. "The activities of the party led all the Kazakh people. They developed a set of measures to solve the socioeconomic and political changes in Kazakhstan Every nation, every state has its own unique history, and in the era of globalization, we can share the experience of our own country, as an example of the development of a harmonious and stable society. Today, the centuries-long dream of Alash-Orda members, who stood at the beginning of the establishment of an independent law-governed state, has come true", - said Akmaral Beisembayeva.

Scientific essays is published in the electronic collection of scientific works "Current research and development" with the ISBN, UDC, LBC, with citation index (RSCI).