A festive event devoted to the Great Victory Day took place in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Congratulating the homefront workers, Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work of PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Arman Akishev noted that education patriotism, respect for veterans are issues of primary importance. "Thank you for your feat of arms, for the hard work and for the fact that you are with us! It is our duty - to be worthy of the great memory about the Great Victory, continue to be the servant of our country and its people ", - said Arman Aytmukhametovich.

The Chairperson of the Labor Union Organization G. Shamshudinova and the Chairman of the Veterans Council of the University B.G. Zhanakhutdinov also addressed to an audience.

Well-known local historian of Pavlodar region, honorary citizen of Pavlodar, candidate of historical sciences and homefront worker Terenik Maria Serafimovna warmly congratulated invited veterans, urging to respect the history and preserve national traditions. "Ignorance of the past - it is a tragedy. I am offended when people confuse or distort the history. How can we allow crossing out the past ?! I worked for 35 years in the Pavlodar State University, and devoted all the years to inspiriting the youth to know and study our history. History is an exact science, like mathematics, so students need to know it is on the basis of documents, and reliable sources, "- said Maria Serafimovna.

Students and soloists of the student philharmonic prepared bright and colorful program, rich with musical performances and congratulations.