Celal Karaca has been conducting offline classes for students of the Computer Science Faculty of Toraighyrov University for a month now.  This became possible thanks to the ministerial program to attract foreign teachers to Kazakhstan universities.

The professor works in one of the largest universities in Turkey, Aksaray University, in the development of dynamic web tools and multimedia technologies.  He has a significant amount of research in the field of computer science, extensive teaching experience.

At Toraighyrov University, classes were organized for students and undergraduates, where Celal Karaca shares his knowledge on the development of modern web information systems.  Students mastered the methods of creating IT products using multimedia software, prepared a portfolio that they will present at the final lesson.

Teachers actively cooperate with a professor from Turkey.  He was trained on the topic "Flipped Learning and Edpuzzle Video LMS".  This content management system allows the distance learning instructor to edit the video, add questions, thereby creating an interactive video.  The teachers highly appreciated the presented tool and plan to use it in the distance learning process.

In addition, scientific cooperation was established with the Turkish professor in the development of innovative technologies, joint publications and projects are planned.