A solemn event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the candidate of agricultural sciences Sagadat Zhumagazievich Stambekov was held at Toraighyrov University.

Staff of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences notes that the name of Professor Stambekov is known throughout the CIS, his works on genetics are used in universities in Russia and other countries.

Sagadat Zhumagazievich held positions of responsibility in the highest government bodies, for many years he worked as the first deputy of the regional administration of agriculture, deputy director for science at the regional experimental station, head of the department, professor of the department “General biology” SSU named after  Shakarim.  In subsequent years, he worked as a professor at the Department of Zootechnology, Genetics and Breeding at Toraighyrov University.

He devoted a lot of time to science, together with foreign scientists he published a textbook on genetics, which is actively used in the hands of students of higher educational institutions both in our country and in the CIS countries.  He also published textbooks “General genetics”, “Molecular biology”, “Radiobiology”, more than 100 scientific works.  Awarded with medals “Labor Veteran”,

“S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal”.