Students of Toraighyrov University are the winners of the Republican Conference "Student and Science: vision of the future".

The honor of ToraighyrovUniversity was defended by future psychologists, culturologists of Safety Of Living specialists Rasul Kabdrakhmanov Lana Muslimova and Munira Turlybek.

200 students of non-linguistic specialties of Kazakhstan and foreign universities fought in the capital in eight directions in French, English and German.

According to the results of the competition, Rasul Kabdrakhmanov became the best one regarding the problem of profitability of the drug business. Comparing the popularity of the Darknet and drug turnover in Europe and the CIS, Rasul came to the conclusion that in the CIS people enter it almost every day. “In Europe, it is simply not popular. According to GlobalDrugsurvey in 2018, the percentage of those who at least once purchased on the Darknet is 12% in the USA, 28% in England, 48% in Finland”, Rasul notes.

Lana Muslimova won the second place, studying comments on the Internet and their impact on linguistics.