Students appreciated the gastronomic specialties of the deans and identified the first #as_bolsyn_challenge semi-finalists.

The deans of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology, Faculty of Metallurgy, Machine Building and Transport, Faculty of Architecture and Construction and Faculty of Agricultural Technology fought in the culinary duel.

Beshparmak, pilaf, cheesecakes with minced meat, sorpa, salads, pie and pizza are a small part of the Friday menu of students of the dormitory No. 2.

According to the results of the voting of the incorruptible jury, Toktar Bekseitov and Kairottola Abishev went to the final of the battle.

Next weekend, the rest of the participants will prepare dinner for students.

The challenge was accepted by the Regional Branch of the "Nur Otan" Party.

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