Journalists of the national branch of the Interstate Television and Radio Company "Mir" in the Republic of Kazakhstan spent several shooting days at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The media representatives were particularly interested in the activities of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, including the innovative method of cattle embryo transplantation proposed by scientists, which allows you to get up to 70 embryos per year from one cow.

Embryos of a cow-recorder are transplanted to surrogate mothers. Thus, it is possible not only to increase the offspring in production, but also to save the genetic material from productive parents.

Also, with the direct participation of the faculty in the region, applications are being developed in the advanced areas of the food industry and agronomy: virus-free potatoes and examination of milk.

Together with the dean of the faculty, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Toktar Bekseitov the guests visited the practice base at "Pobeda" LLP with.