In support of World Car-Free Day, the campaign #greenPSU was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Administration, faculty, staff and students left their cars for one day, using public transport and bicycles. Also, there were people who wanted to walk.

Senior teacher of the Department of Biology and Ecology, PhD Zarina Sergazinova notes that such actions should be supported by the whole city.

“Today, our university supports the worldwide campaign day without a car. It is held annually in more than two thousand cities in the world. At PSU we conduct it for the first time. Thus, we can at least one day to reduce emissions from cars and relieve the city from the flow of vehicles. In addition, this action fosters the ecological culture of our students regardless of their educational paradigm ”, said Z. Sergazinova.

The head of the Department of Ecology and Biology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Ainagul Kalieva also spoke in support of the campaign:

“The problem of car exhaust affects the whole world. Each of us is daily exposed to carbon monoxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide. In total, the exhaust gases contain more than 200 various components and highly toxic substances. I am sure that one without a car is an important contribution to the future.”