In support of the World Car-Free Day, the faculty, staff and students of S. Toraighyrov PSU will spend the day without a car. The #greenPSU campaign will take place on September 23.

The initiators of the idea urge the residents of the city to join them and leave the car for one day, use the public transport, bicycles or you can even walk on foot. The creators of the "TOR" electric bike, for example, will also be able to use their project, since riding on an electric motor is more environmentally friendly.

“Each car exhaust contains greenhouse gases that are able to block the sun's rays reflecting off the surface of the earth. Such solar energy enters the atmosphere and causes temperature deviations - a major factor in global warming. Pollutants also affect the quality of water, air and soil, and therefore our health. Every day spent without a car is our contribution to the future. No special preparations or special efforts are required for this”, says the acting Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, PhD Alexander Neftisov.