An exhibition of dogs of the Tazy breed - Kazakh greyhound was held on the traditional site Ertis-Arbat S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The organizers of the event were scientists of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

The peculiarities of this breed, the history of its appearance, the conditions of housing and many other stories told by the dog owners. In turn, those present were not only able to directly ask their questions, but also to make a joint photo with their pets.

According to experts, Tazy is a breed of hunting dogs, perfectly adapted to the nomadic way of life of the peoples of Asia. These dogs are sociable, calm, very hardy and courageous, able to stop even a wolf.

It should be noted that in modern Kazakhstan there are only about 300 pure-bred Tazy.

On this day, together with the Pavlodar Regional Art Museum, an exhibition “Kazakh halkynyn anshylyk oneri” was also organized. Guests were able to evaluate the work of Pavlodar artists, including the teachers of PSU.

In his canvases artists reflected not only the picturesque places of the Bayanaul district, but also the national types of hunting of the Kazakhs.