The X Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty “Electrical Power Engineering” was held in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The teams from 10 higher education institutions of Kazakhstan fought for the title of the winner.

According to the head of the department of Electrical power engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Vadim Markovsky, the competition was held in two stages: the first - in the participating universities, the second - at PSU - the winning university of last year.

The participants showed their knowledge, skills and professional skills by completing tasks on the subjects “Electrical Machines”, “Electrical Networks and Systems”, “Power Supply”, “Electric Power Station and Substations”.

“Out of the competition, PSU students also participated, demonstrating good knowledge and performance”, said V. Markovskiy.

Following the meeting, jury members chose the winners.

Thus, the team of the Almaty University of Energy and Communication became the owners of the first place and the cup of intellectual competitions.

The team of S.Seifulin Kazakh Agro Technical University won second place.

The honorable third place was won by the students from M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University.

“Many thanks to Pavlodar and the university for the warm welcome. We are very pleased to have participated in the Olympiad. It was cool, exciting, complicated, but we managed”, the winners shared.