Adilkhan Rakhimbekov, a student of the Department of Information Technologies of S.Toraighyrov PSU, won a grant from the “Sabi” charity fund in the amount of $ 20,000.

A. Rakhimbekov launched his ITnation project last year. The main goal is to teach children programming. The basic course takes 2.5 years. During this time, students will learn the basic programming languages, learn how to work with Google documents, mail, get acquainted with the features of spam and antivirus.

“Our main audience is children, but in parallel we will prepare students. Now we communicate with IT companies in Kazakhstan and find out what kind of specialists they need. For example, we will invite upper-form pupils and students who are already studying programming, but have not yet decided who they will become in four years. Students will study a particular specialty in a particular company, which will increase their chances of applying for a job. Schoolchildren will learn basic programming and computer literacy. During training, we will give them outsourcing projects so that they learn and earn money at once”, A. Rakhimbekov says.

In addition, soft skills will be another area of ITnation work - the development of such qualities as interpersonal skills, teamwork skills and motivation, and much more.

It is worth noting that in 2017, Adilkhan also won two republican competitions by developing UPAY mobile applications — learning English and “Auyldan” — ordering fresh farm products with delivery.