A poetic marathon, dedicated to the works of the national writer of Kazakhstan Abish Kekilbayev was held in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, within the framework of the republican campaign “One Country - One Book”.

The event was attended by philologists and students of the Department of Kazakh philology. Those present shared their views on the contribution of the author to the development of Kazakh literature, his journalistic activities, and read his poems.

A. Kekilbayev left a bright trace in the history of Kazakh literature and culture in general. He wrote over 50 books. For the novels “The Pleiades - constellation of hope” and “Flashes” the author was awarded the Abai State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Referring to the writer's work, the experts noted that A. Kekilbayev is characterized by scale and the desire for knowledge, the breadth and diversity of the interested issues through an appeal to the history of the people.

It is worth noting that many of A. Kekilbayev’s works were translated into German, English, Bulgarian, Turkish, and according to a survey conducted by the German book publisher “Folk und Welt”, his name is included in the “Best Writers of the 20th century” list.

Abish Kekilbayev is also known as a translator into the Kazakh language of the works of G. Maupassant, Ch. Aitmatov, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin and others.

Let us recall that the republican campaign “One country - one book” is held in Kazakhstan for the thirteenth year in a row with the aim of preserving the spiritual heritage and respect for the native language, as well as raising the status of reading in society.

“The campaign brought novelty to the cultural life of the country and became a good tradition. After all, each chosen presentation reflects the fate of people, historical facts, has educational value, teaches readers to reflect, empathize”, Aliya Rustemova, the librarian of the Kazakh literature sector of the academic library named after academician S. Beisembayev says.