Gaukhar Akhmetova, rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, met with parents with parents of many children - employees of the university.

The meeting was held for the first time as part of the celebration of the Gratitude Day.

Today, twenty people having from 4 to 8 children work at the university. They occupy various positions.

The participants noted that young people often do not dare to have children for many reasons. But large families are generous families for maternal and paternal love, filled with children's laughter and smiles, where there is responsiveness, mutual help and trust.

On the occasion of the Gratitude Day, material assistance was provided to the parents of many children of Pavlodar State University.

In addition, the university provides support to students from large families. They have priority in the provision of places in the hostel, as well as benefits for free travel tickets.