On February 26-27, 2019, the XVIII Congress of the “Nur Otan” Party was held, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the political organization. Pavlodar region was represented by delegates elected at the regional party conference, namely: deputies of maslikhats of all levels, heads of state bodies and institutions, representatives of civil society and youth organizations, as well as veterans and party activists. The delegation was led by Akim of Pavlodar region Bolat Bakauov.

During the congress, the following issues were discussed: the New Party Development Program until 2030 “The Society of Welfare: 10 goals for the decade”, the new membership of the Political Council of the Party and the Central control review committee; amendments and additions to the party’s charter were made, reports of party bodies were approved.

- We need to bring reforms in education to the logical results. Modern realities require the development of new skills and competencies of our children. The factors of success here are the constant professional development of teachers, an advanced material base and relevant training programs. As I have previously instructed, at least 1 advanced university and 10 modern colleges should work in each region. The main criterion for the effectiveness of educational institutions is the employment of graduates, - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Irina Chidunchi, Chairperson of the Young Scientists Council of Pavlodar Region, the senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Education and Environmental Protection, PhD, was elected to the new membership of the Political Council of the Party.

- For me, the election to the Political Council of “Nur Otan” Party is a very significant and exciting event, because the Political Council is the highest representative body of the party. Significant people of our country: Askar Mamin, Dariga Nazarbayeva, Maulen Ashimbayev, Gulshara Abdykalykova, Artur Platonov and others, as well as our countrymen Nariman Abilshaikov, Aizada Kurmanova and Vera Kim are the members of the Council. Elbasy set before us important and urgent tasks that we must accomplish in the course of our work. Priority areas today are the social sphere, health care and of course education. As a young teacher of a leading university in the region, I can say that there is a lot of work ahead, but this work is for the good of the prosperous future of each of us. In addition, as a graduate of our Alma mater, I want to encourage students, undergraduates and doctoral students to actively work in the development of each of us, learn, develop new competencies in yourself, strive to become the best in your business and then you will become even more enthusiastic and competitive graduates of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

For reference: The Political Council is the highest representative body of the party. Its power include determining the main activities of the party bodies in implementing the decisions of the party congress, considering issues related to the participation of the party in election campaigns, considering and submission of political statements and appeals on behalf of the party, determining the position of the party on the evolving public relations, as proposed by the Party Chairman electing the members of the Bureau of the Political Council of the party from its membership, convocation of party congresses, formation of their agenda, making decisions about internal Party discussions, the organization of their holding and summarizing, other issues the party activities, not related to the exclusive competence of the Party Congress. The term of office of the Political Council of the party is 4 years.