The team of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University has developed two models of robots.

The implementation of the original idea took about three months. According to the students, despite the simplicity of the functions performed by the robots, the work was not easy.

“Our main task was to build two robots, one of which should be autonomous, and the second controlled with allowed power sources and controls. When developing, we didn’t use any layouts and patterns. The whole construction, technological solutions were invented starting from scratch”, student Yuri Turkovskiy says.

Focusing on the sensors readings, an autonomous robot moves across the field and throws balls into the pipes. The second controlled robot works wirelessly. He also throws balls into the pipes, but through a small obstacle in the form of a small fence, and, in addition, he fires missiles at the target.

Let us note that the project will be presented at the Republican competition in robotics «IITU Robocon 2019», which will be held at International Information Technologies University (Almaty).