Students, teachers and staff of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University watched a live broadcast from the opening ceremony of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan.

The event, which was held at the EXPO-2017 exhibition complex, was attended by representatives of young people from different fields of knowledge: scientists, startups, volunteers, athletes, as well as the winners of the “100 new faces” competition, graduates of the Bolashak program, etc.

One of the tasks set by the President in the training of more flexible specialists was the increasing the scholarship for student volunteers by 30%. This will be a significant support for students and benefits to the population.

“Student community is a powerful resource of volunteering and charity. This helps young people to quickly adapt to the labor market, contributes to their further self-realization”, N. Nazarbayev said.

In his speech, the Head of State noted the need to increase grant funding for young scientists by three billion tenge annually.

In addition, he instructed the Government, together with large business companies, to create a special fund to support youth start-ups.