The annual regional contest “Zhas Galym”, organized by the Office for Youth Policy of Pavlodar Region, together with the Council of Young Scientists and PF “Asyl Zaman”, was held in Pavlodar.

The purpose of the competition is to support scientific initiatives and programs in the development of their scientific potential and popularization of scientific and technical creativity, as well as assistance to talented young people.

Young scientists under the age of 29 took part in the intellectual competition in 5 nominations.

18 applications were received from S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

By decision of the competition commission, eight young scientists of the PSU won prizes.

In the nomination “The Best Innovative Project”, the first degree diploma was awarded to a student of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Ramazan Mukhtar.

Dias Tolegenov, teacher of the department of chemistry and chemical technology received the diploma of the third degree in the nomination “Zhas Master”.

In the nomination “Young Master Student”, the second degree diploma was awarded to the master student of the Department of Philosophy, Social Disciplines and Humanities, Saltanat Mukhametzhan, Ramil Smailov, master student of the Department of History of Kazakhstan received the third degree diploma. 

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering Rizagul Dyusova is the holder of the second degree diploma in the nomination “Young PhD student». 

In the nomination “Young Doctor PhD”: Irina Chidunchi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Vocational Training and Environmental Protection got the First Degree Diploma; Alexander Neftissov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy Engineering on scientific work got the Diploma of the II degree. Asiya Kasanova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies was awarded the Diploma of the III degree. 

“Conducting such a contest allows representatives of higher educational institutions of Pavlodar region to meet on the dialogue platform, present their projects and scientific inventions, get acquainted with innovations in various directions, exchange ideas”, I. Chidunchi said.