Pavlodar State University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “X Toraighyrov Readings”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S. Toraighyrov.

Honored experts in the field of philology, political science and philosophy, as well as scientists from the UK and Canada, gathered to discuss the multiaspectual themes of S. Toraighyrov's work.

Deputy Akim of Pavlodar region Meiram Begentayev first deputy chairman of the Pavlodar regional branch of the “Nur Otan” party Nikolay Dychko, a labor veteran, a descendant of the poet Murat Toraighyrov, as well as delegations from the districts of Pavlodar region were among the honored guests is,

In her welcoming speech, Gaukhar Akhmetova, rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU, noted that the main idea of S.Toraighyrov's works is that knowledge should be based on morality, and immoral knowledge should be the worst of evils.

“S. Toraighyrov considerably enriched with his works not only Kazakh literature and philosophical thought, but in general world poetry. Our task as a university is to explore these works, translate them into all the languages of the world”, said G. Akhmetova.

She also emphasized that today the university, which bears the name of our talented countryman, continues to carry out large-scale work to preserve the heritage of the poet. This year, a solemn presentation of the encyclopedia “Sturtanmahmut” took place. The new edition includes about 2,000 articles and 100 articles and 4 works of these have never been published anywhere before. Also, our university carried out a re- exposition of the museum complex, which is located in the village of Toraighyr, Bayanaul district.

During the conference, a solemn award ceremony was held for faculty members, heads of departments and employees of PSU with a gold medal for their contribution to the development of the university, creative and research activities, and popularization of science and cultural heritage.

The theatrical and poetic staging of “Kamar Sulu” of the student theater association “Murager” continued the meeting.

A pleasant conclusion of the meeting was the performance of the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments named after R. Omarov under the leadership of the chief conductor and artistic director Talgat Karimov.

Also, the audience could hear the premiere of the song “Eske alu”, dedicated to the memory of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov. The author of the composition is Asylbek Abdikarimov, music director of the folk-ethnographic ensemble “Shanyrak Sazy”.