Pecha-Kucha “Sacral places of Pavlodar Irtysh Land” took place in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. The event was held in the framework of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages.

The participants of the meeting were first-year students of non-linguistic specialties.

The students prepared video presentations about sacral places of Pavlodar Irtysh Land, such as Aulie Tas, Kempir Tas in Bayanaul, the mausoleum of Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev and Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov, as well as unique salt lakes in the region.

Students prepared reports in English and German, and also recited poems of great countrymen.

During the meeting, a quiz was held, where teams coped with tasks on the knowledge of biographical facts of famous countrymen, demonstrating and knowledge of the English language.

According to the results of the jury, winners were identified.

Thus, under the guidance of senior lecturer B. Ospanova, the first place was taken by the team of the Inf-102 and VTiP-102 groups. 

The second place was won by the team of groups A-102, D-102, TStr-102, MGI-101, B-102, Yur-102, under the guidance of the Head department of foreign languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor B. Zhumabekova and MGI-101 group headed by senior lecturer A. Raisova. 

The third place was shared by the KMB-101, Kur-101 groups (the head is the senior lecturer S. Ergaliyeva) and the groups Fin-102, UiA-102, Mar-102 (the senior lecturer M. Akhmetova).