The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Foundations of Mashkhur Studies - National Idea “Mangilik El”, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of M.Zh. Kopeyev in the framework of the policy article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “A Look Into the Future: the Modernization of Public Consciousness” was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

In her report, Gaukhar Akhmetova, rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences emphasized:

- All ideas of Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev open out the boundaries of time, they are still relevant today in the XXI century. They are significant and valuable for us, for young people in the search for those worldview guidelines that will help us to find acceptable prospects for spiritual development.

Distinguished experts in the field of linguistics, philology, history and philosophy, and also foreign scientists from India and Poland gathered to discuss the multiaspectual themes of M.Kopeyev's work at the conference

Krishan Lobiyal is Professor, Professor, PhD in Computer Sciences and Dean of the School of Computer & Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India)., India, Professor of the Institute of Archeology of Warsaw University Michal Adamiak, who joined the conference online, as well as Mashkhur scholars Professor Dikhan Kamzabekuly, Doctor of Philology and Professor Zhantas Zhakypov Doctor of Philology. .

A presentation of the collection of illustrated stories for children “Mashkhur Zhussip Alemi” was held on this day. The author of fairy tales, written on motives of M.Zh. Kopeyev’s works is Professor Yengilika Zhumatayeva, Doctor of Pedagogy, director of the scientific and practical center of ethno-pedagogy and innovative technologies of education name Zh.Aymauytova. It should be noted that the illustrations were made by students of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction.

In addition, a specially developed site was presented, where you can get acquainted with the collected works and materials of the conference. 

Students and their mentors were awarded with letters of gratitude for their contribution to the study and popularization of the cultural heritage of M.Zh. Kopeyev within the framework of the event.

Delegations from 10 districts and 3 cities of the Pavlodar region, led by deputy akims, as well as curators of the “Rukhani zhangyru” program took part in the conference.

Also about 2000 young scientists, students and schoolchildren were connected to the conference on-line, in addition, an online broadcast was organized in social networks.  

Let us recall that a scientific and practical center has been functioning in the university since 2004, a new mausoleum was built in 2006, a cabinet-museum named after our outstanding compatriot was opened, a discipline “Mashkhur studies" was introduced, a 20-volume collection of the writer's works and the encyclopedia of M.Zh. Kopeyev were published. The number of young researchers of M.Zh. Kopeyev’s heritage is increasing not only in Kazakhstan, but also in America, Turkey, Japan, etc.