Gaukhar Akhmetova, the Rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences took part in the Aksu economic forum.

Within the framework of the meeting, a plenary meeting was held with the participation of the administration of Aksu, representatives of the city-forming enterprises, as well as the scientific community of the region.

According to the rector of PSU G.Akhmetova, the development of energy-efficient and energy-saving enterprises is unthinkable without the introduction of new innovative technologies that allow to make a qualitative leap to new technical and economic solutions of the new era.

“We are pleased that this forum is held under the auspices of the consolidation of education, science and production, with the direct participation of the industrial leaders of our region.

Our university is always open for cooperation and joint work, both with large enterprises, and with enterprises of small and medium business. Our scientists are ready to provide their development necessary for the development of modern breakthrough technologies based on industrial enterprises of the region”, said Gaukhar Galymovna.

At the breakout sessions, the PSU scientists presented scientific reports on the main priority areas of industrial development: energy, metallurgy, construction, chemical technologies, agriculture.

In addition, presentations of socio-economic development of Aksu and rural districts and products of local entrepreneurs were delivered. The greatest interest of the audience was caused by the scientific and practical developments of universities aimed at stimulation and development of technological entrepreneurship and the manufacturing industry.

A memorandum of mutual cooperation between Pavlodar State University and akimat of Aksu city was signed in order to strengthen long-term relations.

The agreement provides for joint scientific and research activities, the organization of seminars and special courses, the possibility of improving of the qualification of the faculty staff, as well as the development of social partnership.