The second season of Startup Weekends started at S. Toraighyrov PSU for students and anyone who wants to start a business.

Participants developed a business model of the project, received advice from mentors and experts, identified the strengths and weaknesses of their ideas.

The first winners were decided following the results of the prototype presentations

“Sewing the women's dresses line” by Alua Amirova, “Solar panels” by Vyacheslav Monakhov, “Best Chicken” by Sanzhar Abduzhalilov, “Other flowers” Zhasulan Serikpaev, “Mare’s milk cream” by Dayana Mukina.

All the participants became residents of the PSU Startup Academy. They have to pass business acceleration, develop their project within a very short time, get expert and information support and then get together in the finals, which will be held in June.