Today, at a joint meeting of the Chambers of the Parliament, President of our country Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev addressed the people of Kazakhstan with 5 new social initiatives:

1. New mortgage program "7-20-25"

2. Tax reduction

3. 20 thousand educational grants and building of dormitories for students

4. Expansion of microcredit

5. Further gas infrastructure development of the country

All initiatives are large-scale and counted projects aimed at further improving the well-being of our people.

Among the initiatives proposed by the Head of State, I would particularly like to mention the third: 20,000 educational grants and the dormitories of hostels for students. The President instructed in 2018-2019 to allocate additional 20 thousand grants to 54 thousand allocated annually. 11,000 among them are allocated for training of bachelors in technical specialties, such as information technology, robotechnics and nanotechnology, the implementation of “Industrialization 4.0”, “Digital Kazakhstan” programs requires specialists in these areas. This program initiative is the concern of the state, the first leader of the country for our youth, ensuring accessibility of education for all, especially for representatives of rural areas. Currently, the growth, development and welfare of the country directly depend on the level of education of its society. Only qualitatively trained specialists are able to lead their state forward.

The Head of State also instructed to ensure the building of new student dormitories, no less than with 75,000 seats until the end of 2022 year. The President set universities, colleges, development companies the task of building  of dormitories on the principles of public-private partnership (PPP). He pointed out that “the state, for its part, through the Ministry of Education and Science will guarantee a gradual indemnification of part of the investments directed to the building of dormitories”. The President paid due attention not only to training, but also to the living conditions of young people. Provision of dormitory, especially for rural youth, is one of the important conditions for quality training of specialists and investment in the human capital of the country. Our university will do its best to solve the tasks set by the Head of State.