A week of foreign languages “Welcome to the World of Foreign Languages” started at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The goal of the subject week is aimed at broaden knowledge and improve the level of students education , as well as developing and broadening of outlook of participants. Department of Foreign Languages is an organizer of the event.

The event gathered all those who wish among the students of non-language faculties of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

A rich program was developed for the participants, where they were able to compete in the knowledge of European languages, to find the best participant in competitions and quizzes on country studies, to recall the traditions of various countries, to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holidays.

In addition, within the framework of the week it is planned to conduct debates, where participants are given the opportunity to practice their knowledge in practice, regardless of their level of preparation and check their knowledge of history, geography, cinema and music of other countries.

The organizers of the event emphasized the high level of participants preparation, good knowledge of foreign languages, and also noted the creativity.