A solemn event dedicated the Day of Social Worker was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

In honor of the professional holiday the students of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology organized an intellectual quiz. Students of all courses took part in the event.

In several stages students presented their profession, answered questions and competed in an intellectual ring.

Teachers also could test their knowledge in breaks.

Day of the social worker is a holiday of people who take upon themselves the problems of others and help in their decision. Not everyone can take care of people. But social workers can, - says Samal Antikeyeva.

- The task of social workers is to lend a willing hand to those who need it in time. Social workers do not just perform their duties, they bring people hope for a better future. A social worker is not an easy, but very necessary and highly honorable profession", said Ainash Kudysheva, a head of the department.