Three sets of awards were won by students of the Department of Performing Arts of S. Toraighyrov PSU at the international contest of performing musicians "Bishkek Music Games" (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan).

Instrumentalists from Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the contest.

The jury included honored artists, professors, teachers of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Kyrgyz National Conservatory and others.

The musicians won the game by kobyz, dombra and piano playing.

Jamilya Zheksembayeva masterfully coped with the complexity of the performance of Kurmangazy's kyu "Kyzyl kaiyn-serper". Zhuldyz Sagitova in masterly fashion performed the work of A. Zhaimov "Shalkyma". By unanimous decision of the jury, our students were recognized as the best in the nomination "Folk instruments".

In the nomination "Piano" Diana Mulkarazova was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree. The performing repertoire of the young musician from PSU included  The Well-Tempered Clavier, polyphonic compositions by the founder of piano classical music Johann Sebastian Bach.

The students admit that the victories at such competitions inspire the improvement of professional skills and mastery.