On the day before students of Pavlodar State University took part in landscaping and beautification of the city. The planting of trees came to be not only useful for the region ecology, but also an important part of the education of the younger generation.

Representatives of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology planted more than 70 seedlings on the territory of the orphan home.

Schoolchildren with great interest took part in the landscaping of the territory together with students who spoke about the benefits of green spaces for the ecology of the city, introduced the special technologies of tree planting.

According to the deputy dean on educational work of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Candidate of Agricultural Science., associate professor Zhastlek Uakhitov, the event was made possible thanks to the campaign "Beloved alma mater".

"Our graduates presented pine seedlings to the university, and we, in this connection, decided to arrange well the territory of the orphan home as a sponsored aid. It is important to improve our land, to increase its beauty and good in it. It is especially significant that young people are involved in this right undertaking. We put our heart into this work. We remembered each of our pines. All participants can be called happy people. It's a joy and a memory that will last for many years ", Zhastlek Zhumabayevich said.

The rest seedlings became the decoration of the avenue of the Faculty of Metallurgy, machine building and transport.