A grand opening of a specialized audience of LLC "Neftehim Company LTD" took plac att the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The opening ceremony was attended by Oleg Timoshov, Adviser to the Director of LLC Neftehim LTD, Anastasia Grishina, Head of the Training Center, faculty scientists.

Welcoming the guests, the rector of Pavlodar State University,Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, professor Gaukhar Akhmetova emphasized that the opening of the specialized audience was another point of the program of interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between the enterprise and the university.

It should be noted that on the basis of the enterprise, classes and the defense of the thesis work are conducted. In order to increase competitiveness, the employees of the plant are trained in the field-oriented magistracy of PSU within the framework of SP IID-2, are reviewers.

Within the framework of the partnership program with the University, LLC "Neftehim Company LTD" the necessary equipment and information-methodological materials were provided to organize an effective educational process.

A new specialized audience will serve as a platform for conducting practical classes for students of the appropriate training profile.