Students of S.Toraighyrov PSU took the first place in the team classification at the International Olympiad on polylingual space among students of universities of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

In total, students from 25 universities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took part in the contest of polyglots.

The honor of the Pavlodar State University in Karaganda was defended by Nurgul Adamzhanova, Alua Serikbayeva, Madina Adilova, Aidana Kusmangazynova.

According to the idea of the competition, the language repertoire of the participants  had to include at least three languages, including native, state and foreign languages. In case the native language coincided with the state language, the participant could choose one of the languages functioning in the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, including the Russian language.

The Olympiad was held in three rounds, where the participants demonstrated their knowledge in listening, reading, writing an essay in a foreign language on the basis of a proverb or  saying.

In order to identify the level of polylingual and multicultural competences, students were offered to tell  the topic on the theme.

In addition, Nurgul Adamzhanova took the second place in the individual classification, also the student was awarded the first place in the nomination "The best foreign language expert".

"It should be noted that this is not the first time that students of our department take part in a competition of this level, and judging by the achieved result, we should try to conquer higher  goals", says the head of the team, the lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies Olga Vyukova.