The republican interuniversity basketball tournament was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University devoted to the fifth anniversary of the "Foundation" faculty.

In the basketball match, the students of the preparatory division were opposed by teams from the universities of Pavlodar region and Astana.

Opening the holiday, the dean of the "Foundation" faculty, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Saule Ksembayeva welcomed the participants and spectators of the match, which, she said, will become a notable event in celebrating the fifth anniversary of the faculty.

"The university has excellent conditions and excellent technical base - there is a stadium, a sports complex, open areas. The university cultivates about 20 kinds of sports, allowing students to do sport with great efficiency. Students are given discounts for high sports achievements", Saule Kamaladenovna said.

As a result, team "344" of the "Foundation" faculty celebrated the victory. The second place won the players from "Astana ENU", the bronze won the team "Irtysh", the "Foundation" faculty.