On the day before of the lecturers of the department "Psychology and Pedagogy" took part in the seminar "Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome of social workers in professional work".

The event was organized by the MPI "Center for Social Services of the Population" of the employment and social programs department of the akimat of Pavlodar.

An associate professor, doctor PhD Adil Samekin and lecturer Samal Antikeyeva were invited to make presentations. They told the audience about the methods of increasing stress resistance, conducted consulting on the prevention of burnout syndrome.

According to Samal Anikeyeva, the staff of this center works with disabled children at home and their families and notes a high level of emotional fatigue, and therefore they turned to PSU department for help.

"The social well-being of citizens largely depends on the professionalism and personal qualities of social workers. At the heart of their work is charity, philanthropy, unindifference. The profession of a social worker shows a strong dislike for falseness. It is the personal qualities of specialists that determine their success. The main wealth that these people have is their highest professionalism and their human qualities. Cicero said that our special duty in the fact that if anyone especially needs our help, we have to do everything in power to help this person. Only not indifferent people can work in the social protection system, ho perceive their work as a mission", Samal Kanatovna said.