Students of S.Toraighyrov PSU in a big way and cheerily celebrated Pancake Week

Pancake Week- is peoples festive cycle, preserved among the Slavic peoples from pagan times. The ritual is connected to the wires of winter and beginning of spring.

A real fair with traditional festive food, dancing and songs took place in the lobby of the Pavlodar State University

The annual presentation was attended by students, teachers of the department of Russian philology and activists of Student Philharmonic.

All national holidays are accompanied by funny games. The participants gladly took part in the games with prizes from the university.

At the end of the event there was a festive table at which everyone was able to taste the dishes of Russian national cuisine and, of course, pancakes - an essential attribute of Pancake Week food.

At PSU festival, dedicated to the birth of the sun, is traditionally held every year. Students and staff are looking forward to the arrival of this celebration, finishing the winter and promises the spring coming.