First Deputy Chairman of "Nur Otan" party Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed, visited Pavlodar State University, where, in particular, met with the scientific community and the teaching staff of the university.

Complex- acquainting excursion opened the visit of an important guest. Rare archaeological artifacts from the basic funds of the archaeological museum, as well as materials of long-term archaeological research of the Scientific Center named after A. Margulan were represented to M. Kul-Mukhammed. The latest editions and a collection of scientific works of E. Bekmakhanov were presented to M. Kul-Muhammed during the visit.

Great interest of the guest called exhibits of the museum history of science of Pavlodar region and the museum dedicated to the work of vocal-instrumental ensemble "Dos Mukasan”.

In addition, during the working meeting, Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed has visited the recently opened Start-up Academy, where students focused on the development of business projects of different levels, presented their introductory product and business idea in the context of the most current trends, designed to connect science and business. 

At the same time this thesis was announced at a meeting of party activists of the region by R. Smailov, who is a head of student assembly of PSU. In particular, he touched upon the topicality of the second priority of the Message of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness":

"The topicality of the second priority is difficult to overestimate, especially when the expansion of the business environment – is not a distant future, and our everyday life. Our students are actively involved in entrepreneurship, create workspaces and pay taxes. Our university meets the challenges of modern times, always requiring new vision of sharply standing scientific problems".

Welcoming the scientific community, Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed emphasized the fact that his career he began in the education system and naturally esteems scientific path as his own: "So, at the end of the twentieth century, I came into politics - in 1999, but still belong to the system of Academy of sciences and the university system as my own home, so I think that today I came to my own home".

M. Kul-Mukhammed stated of what constitutes the paramount importance of the Message of the President: "The Message determines the main orienting points of the development of economic, social and political modernization of our country. In one word, the activities of all government bodies, executive and legislative power are submitted to this document".

M. Kul-Mukhammed in his speech paid attention that in the western cultural and political traditions veneration of the "founding fathers of the nation", in the galaxy of which deservedly enters and Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev, is instilled to every citizen from an early age.

Summing up his working visit at PSU, Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed made one very observation capacious observation: "The future prominent scientists are sitting in this room. I am sure that the main cathedral of science in this region - is Pavlodar State University".