Students of engineering faculty Maksat Kapanov and Valery Yarshukov, as well as their friend Maksat Temirshot from Polytechnic College were awarded at PSU at the day before. The reason for the award was the heroism of the students, which they have shown during the rescue of the girl in August 2016.

Criminal attacked the girl in one of the lanes, he began to choke, and then tore the bag out and ran away. Students, being around here, caught the criminal, and, wrung his arms, held him until the arrival of the police.

Courage of students of engineering faculty was awarded by letters of thanks from the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar B. Bayburinov. "Administration of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar expresses gratitude for the dedication in assisting in detection of crime. Thanks to your vigilance and rapidness dangerous criminal was arrested”, - the letter says.

Groupmates and the teachers came to support the students. A.K. Kusherbayev, Deputy Head for personnel work of the Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar noted that students approved themselves as bearers of high civic position, standing their ground while detention of a criminal.

In turn, Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Arman Akishev on behalf of PSU thanked the students for the courage, "You confirmed that today young people are equal to act, worthy of a manly man". A. Akishev finished his acknowledgements, advising girls to look towards such boys.