"The historical process and the modern world: the dilemma of the XXI century" is the name of round-table meeting, the venue for which was the department of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan". In the round table took part historians and political scientists of PSU, including the representatives of the library of people of Kazakhstan and the Student Assembly "Birlik".

The main topic of discussion was the draft of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", as well as discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness".

The meeting was opened by the Head of the department "History of Kazakhstan", Candidate of Historical Sciences Zuleikha Mardanova. Then Doctor of History, Professor of "History of Kazakhstan» department Saule Mamytova gave a speech. In her speech, she emphasized the importance and timeliness of decisions and told about the successes and problems of democracy in historical perspective.

Their views on the democratization of the political system of Kazakhstan, international experience and the history of parliamentarism were expressed by experts, as well as graduate students.