At S.Toraighyrov PSU was held a republican research and practice conference "25 Years of Unity and Creation", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

With welcoming speech to conference participants addressed the vice-rector for Strategy development, education and social work, Arman Akishev Doctor of political sciences, Professor.

"The celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is held under the auspices of the 25th anniversary of the unity and creation. A quarter of a century, we are implementing the dream of many generations of our ancestors - to live and work in a free country, preserving and increasing traditions, to stand on a par with developed countries. Ahead many new successes and achievements are waiting for Kazakhstani people. I am sure that younger generation, born and raised in the shadows of the Independence, will write in its chronicle many bright and interesting cases, "- said Arman Aitmukhametovich.

About the values and goals of the Kazakhstani society said the head of the department of philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of The Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, Ayazhan Sagikyzy, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor (Almaty).

During the presentations and discussions, experts and scholars discussed the main stages of development of the country, theme of the the implementation historical justice.

At the end of the meeting, participants noted that the conference would become an effective dialogue platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and joining together efforts in the development of historical science. After the official part, the discussion continued at the breakout sessions.